Ep. 4: LEGO® by the Sea
A great way to contribute to the overall education of a student is through extracurricular programs. Teachers can build stronger relationships with students and apply what they are taught in the classroom to real world and fun applications.
Kevin Husson from the Howe-Manning School in Middleton, Massachusetts has done just that as he takes LEGO® to the next level. His program, Seacoast Technology Workshops has been providing hands-on LEGO® Robotics & Engineering and video-game design workshops all over Boston's North Shore and New Hampshire's Seacoast.
We discuss Kevin's teaching career, how he got started with the program and the impact it's had on him and his students.
Summer Bridge Program (mentioned during "raise your hand" segment)
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Email: GetSchooledwithMrs@gmail.com
Twitter: @getschooled_pod
Website: Get Schooled with Mr. S - A Teachers Podcast
Get Schooled with Mr. S is produced by the BearCat Group
Music by Patrick Patrikios
Oftentimes, when the kids come to my program,
Kevin Husson:build something and then to program it and to make it move,
Kevin Husson:the summertime. The fun really has to come first, right? But
Mr. S:That is Kevin Hudson from the how many school in
Mr. S:Hello, and welcome back to another show. My name is Mr. S .
Mr. S:to the next level. He provides hands on Lego robotics and video
Mr. S:unique interest and to make those great connections with
Mr. S:chess club. I've run math team, I've run password, the old
Mr. S:I've had great success with the extra curricular work but my
Mr. S:workshops are all about. Coming up next on get school with Mr.
Mr. S:When I got into the podcast game, I had no idea what I was
Mr. S:equipment in my house even helped me create my shows
Mr. S:production process. 24 hour turnaround time on recordings,
Mr. S:looking to start an audio or video podcast, check them out
Mr. S:I'd like to welcome Kevin Hudson to Get Schooled Kevin, welcome
Kevin Husson:Hi, Keith. It's it's great to connect with you
Mr. S:Thanks for your time. And could you tell us a little bit
Kevin Husson:Sure. Well, um, it's I've been teaching in the
Kevin Husson:hard to believe when you're stopping think that It's been 26
Mr. S:And what led you to become a teacher?
Kevin Husson:You know, it's funny, I remember for me as a
Kevin Husson:fell in love with school, again, fell in love with him, and in
Kevin Husson:much he meant to me in fifth grade and the connection that we
Kevin Husson:counselor, as well. So that was a chance for us to sort of
Mr. S:And when I was a first year teacher, I was so happy to
Mr. S:nice camaraderie between guys as is I have a group of friends
Kevin Husson:I do, Keith and those were some some great,
Kevin Husson:in district wide meetings where there are 50 6070 people in the
Kevin Husson:and, you know, it's but definitely different. You know,
Mr. S:That's, that's really good. And I would agree, I have
Kevin Husson:Yeah, this is, you know, I think we've all we've
Kevin Husson:getting kids back into the classroom. So we've been back
Kevin Husson:best way to describe it right now is just making it work. And
Mr. S:And what adaptations Have you made in your teaching to
Kevin Husson:Well, I think one of the things well, when we were
Kevin Husson:these students are spending on screen. So once once the
Kevin Husson:together because we're all masked up and we're six feet
Kevin Husson:just trying to get them off the zoom screen. So hands on
Mr. S:And, and one of the things that, that caught my eye
Kevin Husson:Yeah, so I think, you know, it's funny, my career,
Kevin Husson:projector, and there was one computer that was wheeled around
Kevin Husson:know, a tremendous grow from virtually zero technology to,
Kevin Husson:everyone. So, for me, it's, it was, you know, I wasn't afraid
Kevin Husson:wet, so to speak. So I'm to the point now, where I definitely
Mr. S:As you get older is the technology will harder to keep
Kevin Husson:I find sometimes it changes so quickly, you know,
Kevin Husson:So for me, it was always the changes were happening so fast.
Kevin Husson:that's something that is really stuck. So I feel like at least
Kevin Husson:been nice to finally find something that we can just
Kevin Husson:those tools. And so that, for me, has been something I've
Mr. S:. You have a really amazing summer workshops and
Kevin Husson:All right. Well, sure. It's a long story. And And
Kevin Husson:football, so we were always outside, so but what little time
Kevin Husson:putting on the Saturday morning cartoons and dumping that bin of
Kevin Husson:school, you know, the Legos just sat in a bin, you know, in the
Kevin Husson:sell Lego kits to the schools. I think you've actually used some
Kevin Husson:with other districts and the kids had to invent and it got
Kevin Husson:Lego it was it was a dream come true for me. So um, so that's
Kevin Husson:was looking for someone to come run the Lego program for their
Kevin Husson:was kind of a new new thing. So Lego had been around for a
Kevin Husson:this was in Beverly, Massachusetts is where they were
Kevin Husson:the house where I grew up. So um, so that got so that was
Kevin Husson:of a perfect, perfect match for me in the summertime. And then
Kevin Husson:and I was like, wow, I need a job. So I needed to have a job
Kevin Husson:Hudson. I'm a fourth grade teacher. I've been teaching for
Kevin Husson:thing they they put me up in their summer brochure. And it
Kevin Husson:pretty soon word spread other towns that hey, you know, can
Kevin Husson:probably four or five, six weeks of summer. And eventually I was
Mr. S:The running joke over the is like a rock star. You have
Kevin Husson:Yeah, it was so it was it's a great it's a fun, you
Kevin Husson:should hold on to my baseball cards and my Lego that was it.
Kevin Husson:just that the perfect job for me is teaching children and I'm
Mr. S:And and the name you coined was Seacoast Technology
Kevin Husson:Yeah, I kind of just worked as a sole
Kevin Husson:it's 12 or 13 miles of coastline. So we're kind of
Kevin Husson:Workshops. I did eventually morph into computer coding and
Kevin Husson:And there were more people who are offering to run these Lego
Kevin Husson:fall, and the school year I'm teaching. So a lot of that, you
Kevin Husson:So I started teaching video game designing and coding to kids.
Kevin Husson:you know, I took out a small loan, and invested in a whole
Kevin Husson:towns don't want other people using their equipment and
Kevin Husson:anywhere, so that that part was was great for me.
Mr. S:What's your target audiences is it upper
Kevin Husson:That's a great question. So for me, I've always
Kevin Husson:one through six, I don't typically, you know, draw too
Kevin Husson:has used Lego before, right, they have Lego at home, this is
Kevin Husson:probably built Lego, you know, many, many times in their life,
Kevin Husson:whole new dimension to building when you can actually make
Kevin Husson:environment. You know, the when the kids can interact, so every
Kevin Husson:also there's a lot of learning going on as well. So what's
Kevin Husson:just maybe they're learning to play. And, you know, we're
Kevin Husson:plastic, let's try to reduce the friction. So I do always try to
Kevin Husson:they bring their creation, to life. And again, and having
Mr. S:And as a dad of two daughters, grades three and
Kevin Husson:I would say a typical class maybe I would
Kevin Husson:the Lego Friends sets as well. So it's, it's certainly great to
Kevin Husson:friend sets because their friend sets have brought a whole new
Mr. S:That's great. Nice to see you getting a new audience that
Mr. S:and June? And the regular school year?
Kevin Husson:Yeah, I do. You know, it's funny one thing that
Kevin Husson:basically canceled, right? Nobody was planning in person
Kevin Husson:But what it did do is this fall, as I realized, Hey, I can
Kevin Husson:me and made me realize that there are ways to do what I do
Mr. S:And for anyone in our audience. Kevin, do you have any
Mr. S:going?
Kevin Husson:I would say key is to find a passion you know, find
Kevin Husson:that that's I would start there is a there is a big market out
Kevin Husson:clamoring to get their kids back into those face to face programs
Kevin Husson:reaching out to a lot of town recreation departments. So
Kevin Husson:home. So that's how I might recommend people get started is
Mr. S:And for listeners in our immediate area, Kevin, how would
Kevin Husson:Yeah, so thanks. Sure. So I maintain a Facebook
Kevin Husson:we're planning summer. Again, assuming everything is safe, and
Mr. S:Okay, and we will add those links in the description
Kevin Husson:Yeah, you know, I have to say I really I like
Kevin Husson:Friday. So
Mr. S:I knew they were three clunkers in a row there, Kevin,
Kevin Husson:Well, yeah, that you know, I think I you know, I
Mr. S:Well, I may have to book you again in July for a little
Mr. S:it's great Original Six matchup, that's for sure. You know, I
Mr. S:payback, right. So if something is brewing in the first game,
Kevin Husson:Keith. It was really a pleasure. This was my
Mr. S:I feel the same I feel I listen to numbers gonna go
Kevin Husson:Well, I really, honestly their real purpose for
Mr. S:thanks for joining us on Get Schooled with Mr. S.
Mr. S:Now it's time for my raise your hand portion of the show where
Mr. S:GetSchooledwithmrs@gmail.com. So raise your hand and join the
Mr. S:Mr. S, I questioned the accuracy of Miss Baker's story about Lou
Mr. S:Our next question comes from James in Arizona. I am concerned
Mr. S:make up for a tough year of school. Thanks, and I'm enjoying
Mr. S:Thanks for raising your hand. James. I think a lot of parents
Mr. S:catastrophic. So to that end, don't stress your son or
Mr. S:also highly recommended over the summer. So James, I really thank
Mr. S:Don't forget to subscribe on Apple podcast, Spotify, or
Mr. S:Today's show is produced and edited by the Bearcat group